Unica Umbria

Pecorino of Norcia

Pecorino of Norcia

This is a cheese intended for slicing. It is made with sheep’s milk and comes from the high mountain pastures of the area. It is matured for about 60 days and is considered a fresh cheese. If aging is prolonged to 8-12 months, it becomes suitable for grating. The cheeses generally weigh about 3 kg, but their weight decreases when aging is prolonged.

According to traditional processing methods, raw milk is filtered and heated in a cauldron on a direct flame until it reaches a temperature of about 90°C. When it cools down (by feeling with your hand), natural rennet, rom lambs bred on the farm is added. After about 10 minutes the curds are broken and it is then taken out and put into the moulds or in wooden rings (moulding). The cheeses weighing about 3 kg are smoothed by hand, pressing lightly to allow the whey to be released and are then covered with salt (dry salting). After 2-4 days, the cheeses are washed and put on wooden boards in refrigerators or cool rooms where aging takes place (60 days to 1 year). During this period the cheese is periodically washed and turned.

Apparently on the celebration of St. Anthony’s Day the shepherds offered every family the so-called “quagliatella”, made by fermenting milk and curds and had a very creamy consistency. On St Anthony’s Day, crosses were made from twigs and placed on the moulds so that the shape of a cross would remain impressed on the cheeses in honour of the patron saint of animals.