Unica Umbria



Arnaldo Caprai cashmere Back to: Cashmere

Arnaldo Caprai cashmere

While history may only record the rise and fall of kingdoms, heroes, eminent people and bold adventures, everyday life is written by all of us … by our next door neighbor, by countless men and women who spend their simple lives working honestly and are not mentioned in books. Sometimes, however, enterprise, creativity, passion and determination see some of these people build their way to greater success. With a wise blend of traditional and modern-day textile techniques, cultural heritage and innovation, a self-made man of our days has managed to create something truly unique. His story follows a fifty-year long path and began as a door-to-door household linen salesman who went on to master an ancient textile art, became an entrepreneur and sits today among Italy’s industrial élite. Today, his company produces textils of the highest quality, enjoys great success on international markets and has influenced development on a local level.